The Future of the Social Workers

The new logo partners decide to use for the New Erasmus+ project

Partners in the first meeting in Vilnius 26-27 of January 2023 decided to follow this To-Do action:

Step 1 Writing the titles of the chapters, now

Step 2 Saules Stygos leads the creation of the first draft, both partners upload their own brainstorming on G-drive, at beginning of February ‘23

Step 3 each partner checks the other partners’ job, March-April ‘23

Step 4 Saules Stygos will collect everything and will arrive at the final draft, by the end of April ‘23

Step 5 Prometeo will do a double check, on May ‘23

Step 6 Final version and put it online, end of May ‘23

Step 7 Translations into Lithuanian and Italian, June ‘23

Step 8 Work in Lab with TM, June-July ‘23

Step 9 TPM in Italy, beginning of September ‘23

Step 10 Work into Welcome activity with seniors, October-November ‘23

Step 11 General report of the activities + the use of TM, end of November ‘23

Loreta, Jurate, Francesca and Carlo as paparazzi

Some decisions taken during the meeting:

Define ice breaking activities

Here are a few ice-breaking activities that can help people get to know one another:

  1. Two Truths and a Lie: Each person introduces themselves by sharing two true statements and one false statement about themselves, and the group tries to guess which statement is false.
  2. Speed Dating: Participants sit across from one another and have a set amount of time (e.g. 2 minutes) to ask questions and get to know one another. After the time is up, they rotate to the next person.
  3. Who am I: Each person is given a card with the name of a famous person, historical figure, or fictional character on it, and they have to ask questions to figure out who they are.

4.Human knot: Participants stand in a circle and then join hands with someone else in the circle, but not with the person next to them. The group then has to untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands.

  1. Scavenger Hunt: Participants are divided into teams and sent on a scavenger hunt around the office or building to find specific items or complete specific tasks.

6.Team-building exercise: Participants are divided into teams and given a task to complete together such as building a tower out of marshmallows and toothpicks, or solving a puzzle.

These activities can help to break the ice and create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere for people to get to know one another.

Define Overcoming

To overcome something means to successfully deal with and/or master a difficulty or challenge. This can involve facing a problem or obstacle head-on and taking the necessary steps to resolve or surmount it, whether through determination, effort, or the use of specific strategies or resources.

Examples of overcoming include:

  • Overcoming a personal struggle such as addiction, depression or anxiety
  • Overcoming a professional obstacle such as a lack of experience or discrimination
  • Overcoming a physical challenge such as an injury or illness
  • Overcoming a social challenge such as poverty or lack of education

Overcoming is often associated with personal growth and development, as overcoming challenges and adversity can lead to increased resilience, self-awareness and self-esteem.

Story Telling

Storytelling can be a powerful method for teaching, learning, and communication. Here are a few ways to use storytelling as a method:

  1. Teaching: Storytelling can be used to convey information, concepts and ideas in a way that is engaging and memorable. A well-told story can help students to relate to the material and understand the key takeaways in a deeper way.
  2. Learning: Storytelling can be used as a tool for personal and professional development. By reflecting on one’s own experiences and the experiences of others, people can gain new perspectives, learn from others, and identify areas for growth.
  3. Communication: Storytelling can be used to build connections and create a shared understanding between people. By sharing stories, people can build empathy and understanding, and find common ground.
  4. Therapy: Storytelling can be used as a therapeutic tool, helping people to process their experiences and emotions. It can be used to help people to understand and make sense of their past, to gain insight into their thoughts and feelings, and to develop new strategies for coping with difficult situations.
  5. Marketing: Storytelling can be used as a way to build brand identity and connect with customers. By sharing the story of a brand, its values, goals and mission, companies can create an emotional connection with their audience, and convey a sense of authenticity and transparency.

When using storytelling as a method, it’s important to consider the audience and the goals of the story, and to structure the story in a way that is clear, engaging, and easy to follow.

Story Telling with Seniors

Storytelling can be a useful tool for seniors in fighting loneliness by providing them with a sense of connection, community, and purpose. Here are a few ways in which storytelling can be beneficial:

  1. Creating connections: Storytelling can be used to build connections between seniors and others, such as family members, friends, and caregivers. By sharing stories, seniors can feel understood, valued, and heard, which can help to reduce feelings of isolation.
  2. Preserving memories: Storytelling can be used to help seniors preserve their memories and legacy. By sharing their stories and experiences, seniors can pass on their wisdom, values, and traditions to future generations. This can give seniors a sense of purpose and meaning, and help them to feel that their life has been valuable and worthwhile.
  3. Stimulating the mind: Storytelling can be used as a form of mental stimulation, keeping the mind active and engaged. This can help to prevent cognitive decline, and improve overall well-being.
  4. Encouraging social interaction: Storytelling can be used as a way to encourage social interaction and build community among seniors. For example, a storytelling group can be formed where seniors can share their stories and listen to the stories of others. This can help to create a sense of belonging and promote feelings of connectedness.
  5. Reliving happy memories: Storytelling can be used as a way for seniors to relive happy memories and positive experiences. This can help to counteract feelings of sadness and depression, and promote a sense of well-being.

Overall, storytelling can be a powerful tool for seniors in combating loneliness by providing them with a sense of connection, community, and purpose. It can also help them to preserve their memories and wisdom, and improve their overall well-being.