MiLiu a new project to help migrants in Lithuania, Macedonia and Italy

The main objectives of MiLiu project are:
1. To provide VET learners (as national as migrants), VET teachers and the local business community with a thorough understanding of the factors affecting and skills favouring host National language competencies through the development of pedagogical material for future job or business creation;
2. To develop VET teachers’ pedagogical approaches – through the improvement of digital skills – which can be used for new VET activities interested in implementing a work-based model for individualized, blended adult learning.
3. To foster VET learners (migrants mostly) to get aware, verify and continuously improve their level of language skills through the development of self-assessment tool. This tool will be delivered through the learning of ICT tools – in relation to CLIL methodology
4. To improve VET curriculum/modules by learning language through ICT tools – and gaining basic digital skills.

Other aims of the proposal: 1. transfer of knowledge and experiences, especially from Italian partner to others how to use a methodology and a partnership wide capacity building whereby the method and the web-based technology used are explored with a variety of target groups of migrant adults and young adults.
2. augmentation of awareness of the special learning needs of migrant adults coming in the EU countries mostly illiterate and – in the same process – give instruments to the stakeholders within their respective communities, their networks and players reached through dissemination.

3. Exchange of methodologies, information and tools on the use of the National language in situations of the interaction of the workplace by using Web Platform – which will not only allow for objective assessment the improvement of the literacy key competencies but also will enable an individual to follow an online and face-to-face development program. For this specific purpose, the already successfully developed and tested tool will be introduced in the process

See objectives linked with priorities:
Increasing the flexibility of opportunities in VET -> linked to looking at the new tools usable by partners/stakeholders/other VET organisations to enable migrants and educators to have a better and more adaptable learning environment;
Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education (VET) -> see objectives 1 and 3 as examples of inclusion in the learning and working places.
Addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience -> objectives 2 and 4 where the focus of the proposal is creating material online to be used by partners, migrants and managers in all EU participating countries;
Teaching and learning of foreign languages and integration of migrants -> this is the focus of the proposal: to teach National languages to migrants;
Work-based learning -> to learn as in the VET org as in the workplace or in the labour office as a place with a double- purpose (learning+job seeking).